Soenga® Scholars Fund Applicaiton

Built for Teen Mothers Who Qualify for Educational Funding.



By proceeding forward, you are authorizing Soenga® Scholars Fund and it's affiliates to collect personal data and information. All information collected shall be used for the purpose of evaluating your needs for qualification for The Soenga® Scholars Fund Scholarship and additinoal services provided.

This application is safe and secure. Upon submitting your application, a summary of all questions and answers will be emailed to the email address provided.

Personal Information

    First Name
  • Last Name
  • Home Address Info
  • Additional Address Info
    Your Email
  • Cell Phone Number
  • Date Of Birth
  • High School Grad?



Teen Mothers Matter.

Being a Teen Mother comes with great challenges and rewards. Please describe your experience as a young mother below:

How many children make up your family?

Please select the number of biological children in your care:

If you answered more than 2 children, please tell us how many girls and/or boys you have?

Tell us about your Employment Status

Are you currently, employed, unemployed or Laid Off?

Your Parents & Siblings


Tell us about your Parents

What is the Marital Status of your parents?

Family Dynamics

Please share your living environment within your home. If you live independently, please specify in the field below:

Parents Work Status

Are your parents employed, unemployed or laid off?

Do you have siblings

Please tell us how many siblings you have in your family.

Your Grades & Extracurriculars


Grade Point Average (GPA)

Please select your current or Final Grade Point Average Range:

Extracurricular Activities

Do you participate in any sports or school related activites:

Other Hobbies & interests

Please share your favorite hobbies or pastimes:

Your next level of education

Please choose the type of school you plan on attending

Application Status

Have you applied for admission?

Intended area of study

Please share what you plan to major or study:



Do you have a place of worship?

What are your Strengths & Weaknesses

In a few sentences, please share two (2) strengths & two (2) weaknesses:

How can The Soenga® Scholars Fund help you?

In a less than 500 words, please tell us why you should be considered for The Soenga® Scholars Fund:

Congratulations! Your Soenga® Scholars Fund Application is complete! Thank you for you for taking the time to apply.

© 2023 Soenga® Scholars Fund. — All Rights Reserved.

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